The DO has now merged into WR. They merged so that they could help save WR, since has been falling this week.

Here’s part of DO‘s post about it:

Hello guys, I hate to say it but I am merging the Dark Oreos of CP into the Water Raiders. Our Death has been waiting to arrive for weeks now. I have been trying to delay it as much as I can, but it has got to happen sometime, all armies die, so let us rest in the hands of the Water Raiders.We had a good run, we did great in our few months of activeness, and yet. This is probably going to be the best army I have ever led, Elf has said he is retiring and I feel I can’t lead without him, he shall keep DO running at his choice.

Seems like they thought they were already dying, but since they merged into WR they have hope for it. Elf is retiring and to Color it means the Do would fall even more without him. This on sentence tells me why they merged:

We are sacrificing ourselves to save an army. A very noble thing, indeed very.

Yes, a very noble thing. Now on the Water Raiders site, they have their own words on this.

Dark  Oreos merged

New Commanders

New WR

This was the first thing on the post. Alot of people thought WR was dead. The title of this post is “We are not dead yet”. Below, what you first see, is a picture of WR and DO agreeing with this merge and WR also states that they are in a depression and a war is co                                      ming

You may have seen we have hit DEFCON 2, all forces are to be prepared to attack, and a Level D of emergency with WR hitting a depression. Dark Oreos has sacraficed their own army for the sake of Water Raiders life. Therefore, we’re going to enter a new era. We the Force, together as a new era,

In a whole different post Blazeiken  says they are going to war with LT and taking back Thermal. So Blaze is saying a new WR and new era.  Do you guys think WR will rise with the merge of DO? Will they be able to get their old capital back? Comment below!

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